Opportunity Statement
Tibena®’s Infinite Level Binary Compensation plan combined with a Unilevel Check Match, extending through 6 generations of the Sponsorship Tree, creates an opportunity rarely seen.
Tibena® manages all inventory
Tibena® pays you for all product sales
Tibena® offers free replicating websites to Affiliates
General Definitions
Pay Period (PP):
Pay Periods for Tibena® are every 7 days and begin every Monday at 12:00 AM (MST) and end every Sunday at 11:59 PM (MST) USA.
Pay Date (PD):
We Pay Weekly! Tibena® pays every Friday for volume submitted by the previous Sunday at Midnight MST, USA
Anyone who purchases product and signs up as an Affiliate.
Anyone who chooses to sign up as a Customer and isn’t eligible for commissions.
The Affiliate who directly signs an individual to Tibena® as an Affiliate or a Customer is considered to be the “Enroller” of the new Affiliate or Customer.
Personal Volume (PV):
The total Personal Volume of a single Affiliate from orders placed personally.
Being active is determined by a certain amount of Personal Volume (PV) every 30 to 31 calendar days.
To be considered active an Affiliate must meet 2 requirements:
- Place an Order.
- Fill out the Affiliate application and accept the terms and conditions of Tibena®’s Policies and Procedures.
- Tibena® has 2 levels of Personal Volume (PV) qualification or active status.
- A2 = Being Active with 2 bags of Jasmine Tao® Tea or 64CV of Personal Volume.
- A3 = Being active with 3 bags of Jasmine Tao® Tea or 96CV of Personal Volume.
First Order Bonus (FOB’s) and Retail Customer re-order commissions are the only incomes an Active Affiliate can earn unless the Active Affiliate is also “Binary Qualified” (BQ) (see binary definitions below)
Monthly Subscription/Autoship:
Monthly Subscriptions,or Autoships, are in no way required to participate in or qualify for the Tibena® Comp Plan. Tibena® will offer Monthly Subscriptions and recommends all Affiliates are on Subscription.
Rolling 5 Weeks:
If you have placed a Personal Order within the past 4 weeks or the current pay period you are Active. . Tibena® will offer Monthly Subscriptions and recommends all Affiliates are on Subscription.
Company Pay Cap:
The Company Maximum weekly Pay Cap is 60% of Global Company Commissionable Volume (CV).
Ranks are determined by adding the Qualifying Volume (QV) in your pay leg in a 5 week rolling cycle. This volume is also known as Pay Leg Qualifying Volume (PLQV). To determine rank it will look at your PLQV for the past 4 pay periods plus the current pay period and determine your paid as rank for that Pay Period (PP).
Ranks are earned by product sales and determine an Affiliate’s Binary and Check Match pay if active and qualified.
Active and Binary Qualified (ABQ):
Active and Binary Qualified means that you have a personally enrolled Affiliate that is at least Active on 2 bags of Jasmine Tao® Tea , one in each leg (left and right).
Qualifying Volume (QV):
Qualifying Volume (QV) is the purchase price of any product. For example, if you purchase 1 bag of Jasmine Tao® Tea for $39.99 you receive 40QV. Ranks are determined by QV in your pay leg (PLQV).
Commissionable Volume (CV):
Tibena®’s Commissionable Volume (CV) is 80% of Qualifying Volume (QV). For example, 1 bag of Jasmine Tao® Tea is offered to affliates for $39.99 which equals 40QV and 32CV (40 x .8 = 32)
Rank Advancement Speed Cap:
Starting at the rank of T6 Emerald and all ranks above, an affiliate must have been paid at the next lower rank sometime previously in their history with Tibena® to be “paid as” at the new rank. (apply to any week)

T2 Bronze
Binary Qualified

T3 Silver
Binary Qualified
1,000 PLQV

T4 Gold
Binary Qualified
5,000 PLQV

T5 Platinum
Binary Qualified
10,000 PLQV
1 QT4 Gold Personally enrolled in each leg

T6 Emerald
Binary Qualified
20,000 PLQV
1 QT5 Platinum Personally enrolled in each leg

T7 Diamond
Binary Qualified
50,000 PLQV
1 QT6 Emerald Personally enrolled in each leg

T8 Double Diamond
Binary Qualified
100,000 PLQV
Maintain 1 QT6 Emerald Personally enrolled in each leg

T9 Triple Diamond
Binary Qualified
200,000 PLQV
Maintain 1 QT6 Emerald Personally enrolled in each leg

T10 Crown Diamond
Binary Qualified
500,000 PLQV
Maintain 1 QT6 Emerald Personally enrolled in each leg

First Order Bonuses & Retail Bonuses
First Order Bonuses “FOB”:
- An FOB is a commission paid to the sponsor on the first order placed by either an Affiliate or a Customer.
Tibena® pays 20-50% of the CV to the direct enroller depending on active status, PV or Initial Package Purchase.
On First Orders (FO’s) 30% of the CV goes into the binary tree.
Customer Retail Bonuses:
On Customer reorders 5-10% bonus on Commissionable Volume (CV) is paid to sponsor and 100% of Commissionable Volume (CV) goes into the binary tree.$49.99 bag of Jasmine Tao tea purchased by customer, $10 Retail goes to enroller, 5 to 10% of CV is paid to the sponsor depending on whether the sponsor is (Active with 2 Bags or Active with 3 Bags). This Customer Retail Bonus is a short term Promotional Opportunity.
Tibena® has 5 different Affiliate Packages
Affiliate has 64PV within any pay period or uses the appropriate starter pack that qualifies the affiliate as a STARTER. A STARTER is qualified to earn 20-30% on First Orders (FO’s) and 5-10% on customer re-orders (depending if Active Qualified with 2 bags of Jasmine Tao® Tea (A2) or Active Qualified with 3 bags of Jasmine Tao® Tea (A3) active).
Affiliate has 128PV within any pay period or uses the appropriate PRODUCT pack that qualifies the affiliate to earn 30-40% on FO’s and 5-10% on customer re-orders (depending if Active Qualified with 2 bags of Jasmine Tao® Tea (A2) or Active Qualified with 3 bags of Jasmine Tao® Tea (A3) active).
Affiliate has 192PV within any pay period or uses the appropriate PRODUCT pack that qualifies the affiliate to earn 40-50% on FO’s and 5-10% on customer re-orders (depending if Active with 2 bags of Jasmine Tao® Tea (A2) or Active with 3 bags of Jasmine Tao® Tea (A3)
Affiliate has 384PV within any pay period or uses the appropriate starter pack that qualifies the affiliate to earn 50% on FO’s (being only Active with 2 bags of Jasmine Tao® Tea (A2) and 5% on customer reorders when Active Qualified with 2 bags of Jasmine Tao® Tea and -10% on customer re-orders when Active with 3 bags of Jasmine Tao.
Gold VIP Benefits:
Automatic activation of a 2nd Gold VIP Business Center placed at the top of one of your existing binary legs upon attaining the rank of T7 DIAMOND
Earning 50% on First Order Bonuses (FOBs) with only being Active 2 bags of Jasmine Tao® Tea ( A2)
- Receive $80 of free product
Has 800PV within any pay period or uses the appropriate PRODUCT pack that qualifies the affiliate to earn 50% on First Orders (FO’s) being Active with 2 bags of Jasmine Tao® Tea ( A2) and 5% on customer reorders when Active Qualified with 2 bags of Jasmine Tao® Tea and 10% on customer re-orders when Active with 3 bags of Jasmine Tao® Tea.
ACTIVATION of a 2nd Diamond VIP Business Center placed between your original business and one of your existing binary legs upon attaining rank of T7 DIAMOND. And an activation of a 3rd Diamond VIP Business Center between you and the other existing binary leg when the second position reaches the RANK of T7 DIAMOND.
- Earning 50% on First Order Bonuses (FOBs) with only being (A2) Active 2 bags of Jasmine Tao® Tea ( A2)
- Receive $200 of free product
First Order Bonus
Affiliate PRODUCT Packages | Qualified Personal Volume (PV) | FOB% |
STARTER PACK (2 Bags of Jasmine Tao™ Tea) | 2 Bags or 3 Bags | 20% or 30% |
FAMILY PACK (sign up with 4 Bags of Jasmine Tao™ Tea)B | 2 Bags or 3 Bags | 30% or 40% |
VIP PACK (sign up with 6 Bags of Jasmine Tao™ Tea) | 2 Bags or 3 Bags | 40% or 50% |
GOLD VIP PACK (sign up with 12 Bags + 2 FREE Bags of Jasmine Tao™ Tea) | 2 Bags | 50% |
DIAMOND VIP PACK (sign up with 25 Bags + 5 FREE Bags of Jasmine Tao™ Tea) | 2 Bags | 50% |
CV on FO's Tibena pays 20-50% of the CV to the direct enroller depending on Active Status, PV or Package Purchase. On FOB’s 30% of CV goes into the Binary Tree. |
*FOB is based your current monthly personal volume.

Binary Pay
Refers to whether the affiliate is placed in the LEFT or RIGHT leg of the binary tree.
Binary Tree:
The Binary tree is different from the Enrollment Tree.
- The Binary Tree has a maximum of 2 legs for each affiliate (Left & Right).
- The Binary Tree has an unlimited amount of levels in depth.
Commissionable Volume (CV):
The volume on which commissions are paid.
Binary Pay:
All Tibena® products have a CV of 80% of every dollar. Tibena® pays 10-20% of Pay Leg CV depending on rank.
Binary Qualified:
An Affiliate is considered to be Binary Qualified if they are:
- Active is determined by Personal Volume (PV)
- Have at least one personally enrolled active Affiliate in both their left and right legs of their binary tree and
- Once the affiliate is Active and Binary Qualified (ABQ) they will qualify for Binary Pay and Check Match.
Active and Binary Qualified. ABQ is applicable for banked volume as well.
Banked Volume:
Banked Volume is the difference of CV between your left and right legs that rolls to the next pay period. As long as you are ABQ, your Banked volume grows or is used every week and has no limit. . The maximum amount of banked volume an affiliate can have will be determined by the “paid as” rank. If you are not Active and Binary Qualified (ABQ) for an entire pay period (PP) your banked volume will flush to zero. As soon as you are Active and Binary Qualified (ABQ) the banked volume will resume accumulating as applicable. Banked Volume with also flush to zero if the affiliate is inactive for an entire Pay Period (PP).
Binary Pay Period Cap:
An Affiliate’s weekly Binary pay cannot exceed $20,000 USD.
Gross Pay Period Cap:
An Affiliate’s weekly gross combined pay cannot exceed 60% of the CV from that Affiliate’s pay leg in the Binary Tree. If an Affiliate’s First Order Bonuses (FOB’s) for a pay period exceeds this rule the affiliate will be paid the full amount due of the First Order Bonuses (FOB’s)
See Chart Below
**The exact Binary Pay % is not determined until other commissions are calculated and paid.
Ranks & Binary Pay
Ranks | Active=Personal QV + Binary Qualified "BQ" Pay Leg Qualifying Volume "PLQV" | **Binary Pay |
T1 | Active | None |
T2 BRONZE | Active - And BQ | 10% |
T3 SILVER | Active - And BQ & 1,000 PLQV | 12% |
T4 GOLD | Active - And BQ & 5,000 PLQV | 14% |
T5 PLATINUM | Active - And BQ & 10,000 PLQV & One QT4 Personally Enrolled in each leg | 16% |
T6 EMERALD | Active - And BQ & 20,000 PLQV & One QT5 Personally Enrolled in each leg | 18% |
T7 DIAMOND | Active - And BQ & 50,000 PLQV & One QT6 Personally Enrolled in each leg | 20% |
T8 DOUBLE DIAMOND | Active - And BQ & 100,000 PLQV & One QT6 Personally Enrolled in each leg | 20% |
T9 TRIPLE DIAMOND | Active - And BQ & 200,000 PLQV & One QT6 Personally Enrolled in each leg | 20% |
T10 CROWN DIAMOND | Active - And BQ & 500,000 PLQV & One QT6 Personally Enrolled in each leg | 20% |
Check Match
Enrollment Tree:
This tree is different from the Binary Tree. The Enrollment Tree does not include the actual placement in the binary legs. Enrollment Tree shows your personal enrollments as “LEVEL 1”. Then your “LEVEL 1″ enrollments will have their own personal enrollments which would be your ‘LEVEL 2” enrollments. Tibena® pays up to 6 levels in the sponsorship tree.
Binary Check Match:
This is a 5-50% match on binary pay between your “LEVEL 1” and “LEVEL 6” enrollment tree (depending on rank).
Weekly Cap:
Binary Check Match is not subject to weekly caps but is subject to the 60% Pay Leg cap.
Check Match
Personal Enrollment LevelsRanks | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
T1 | - | - | - | - | - | - |
T2 BRONZE | 50% | - | - | - | - | - |
T3 SILVER | 50% | 15% | - | - | - | - |
T4 GOLD | 50% | 15% | 10% | - | - | - |
T5 PLATINUM | 50% | 15% | 10% | 10% | - | - |
T6 EMERALD | 50% | 15% | 10% | 10% | 10% | - |
T7 DIAMOND | 50% | 15% | 10% | 10% | 10% | 5% |
T8 DOUBLE DIAMOND | 50% | 15% | 10% | 10% | 10% | 5% |
T9 TRIPLE DIAMOND | 50% | 15% | 10% | 10% | 10% | 5% |
T10 CROWN DIAMOND | 50% | 15% | 10% | 10% | 10% | 5% |

Commissions are paid to Affiliates who qualify pursuant to the Compensation Plan and those who are in compliance with the Contract. An Affiliate’s success is only achieved through the regular and repeated Sale of Products and the regular and repeated sales by its Downline Organization. As the success of any Affiliate depends largely on the personal efforts of that Affiliate, Tibena® does not guarantee any level of profit or success, nor does it guarantee an Affiliate a specific income. An Affiliate does not receive compensation for Sponsoring or recruiting other Affiliates. The only way for an Affiliate to earn Commissions is through the sale of Products.