Steep The Abundance

Delicious Adaptogenic Herbal Infusion Teas That Nourish, Replenish, Rejuvenate, Restore, Balance, Reduce Stress & Promote Longevity.
I absolutely love this Jasmine Tao! A few of my results from drinking daily!
~ Stabilizes my emotions
~ Significantly reduces my anxiety
~ Acts as a pain killer (especially menstrual cramps)
~ Helps my digestion
~ Regulates my bowel movements
~ Has greatly reduced my allergies
~ Increased my immunity
~ Keeps me energized

Maleah Brown

When Betty Q and I were first introduced to Tibena® the only product was Jasmine Tao. It was in the fall of the year and we drank it hot really enjoying the natural detox and stress balancing. At that time I was going through a really stressful period. After about a week, I found that I was able to respond rather than react to stressful situations. It’s as if I could feel a feeling of calmness coming over my body. I really don’t know how to explain it. It also helps curb my tendency to procrastinate. I’m more focused and today I get a lot more accomplished. When Tibena launched Vitalitea. I drink Vitalitea in the morning and get more accomplished during my day. I feel steady, clean energy throughout the day without jitters or coffee breath! The taste is amazing!!! And when Tibena launched Slumber, with the powerful stress reliever Ashwagandha and Reishi Mushroom, which is anti-viral as well as a powerful immune booster. Especially important nowadays in my Senior years. I look forward to closing each day spending some time reading a few pages from a good book while sipping Slumber. Shortly thereafter, I am ready to “hit the hay” to experience the sleep of a lifetime.

Mike McCarthy

Renate Rivera, a vibrant 75 year young sharing her wellbeing journey, relief and benefits of sipping Tibena® Adaptogenic Infusions each day.

  • A Renewed Calmness, Reduced Anxiety, Reduced Stress  
  • Deeper Restful Sleep
  • Balance Improved
  • No more Bleeding Gums, the best dental check up in over 30 years.
  • No more Sugar Cravings
  • Energy levels Improved
  • Released 13 lbs.
  • A1C dropped to a normal level of 5.6
  • Triglycerides went from 159 to 119 (near optimal)
  • LDL went from 147 to 131
  • I can now hold a “plank” for 3 minutes – my goal 5 minutes
  • Reduced Arthritis in my hands – I am more flexible

Renate Rivera

I’ve been drinking God’s pure restorative herbs for two years. I read the studies that demonstrate how stress drains our vital energy causing disease, premature aging, & chronic conditions of poor health. I acknowledge that healing comes from the wisdom of God and is found in nature by relieving stress, inflammation, soothing, balancing, & restorative with miraculous nutrients. My mother was the first to teach me about herbs.

I had been suffering when I first started drinking Tibena’s Herbal Infusions.  This is what I’ve observed over the past 2 years sipping these infusions every day.

  • The inflammation & swelling from the fibromyalgia has subsided tremendously.  “I’m more agile & mobile”.
  • The “Restless Leg Syndrome” has resolved and my husband is happy that he now gets better rest.
  • The Barrett’s esophagus is soothed, managed and under control.
  • The arthritis inflammation is soothed & no longer painful.
  • The leaky disk in my back has relief and is much better.
  • The arachnoid cyst does not bother me at all. The swelling is reduced.
  • The Osteoporosis was a major thing in my waist. The swelling is down & I’m more flexible.
  • The asthma and allergies are so much better & my bronchial breathing is better.

Becky Reeves

Isn’t she radiant! I, too, can attest to how much better I feel after a year of treating my body with some of the healthiest, purest quality Adaptogenic Herbs and Ancient Herbs with Tibena®’s Adaptogenic Herbal Infusions that I brew like tea. Ulcerative Colitis is no joke, and once Elizabeth Higson introduced me to something she knew would help balance my gut and help heal my digestive tract. My life changed – no meds, no pain, no bloat, no inflammation. I control my appetite. My hormones are balanced. My sugar cravings are gone, and I’ve experienced lots of new hair growth and the best skin of my life! The sleep is incredible and sustained energy throughout the day. I’m an individual who wants to do a lot and has lots to do. I love being available to my husband and my family in any capacity and keeping up with my 3 children. Thank you, Tibena®

Jessica Best

I have been a practicing chiropractor for over 30 years. Personally, I have seen a huge improvement in brain clarity, memory, joint pain, hearing, sense of smell, and hormone balance.
I feel younger, and living is simply more fun! I have seen all that with my patients, plus even their most chronic aches and pains just seem to gradually go away. It’s the key product. I’ve been looking for my whole career.

Dr. Daniel Flemming

I started drinking Jasmine Tao & Vitalitea Adaptogenic Herbal Infusions over a year ago.  At the time, my dad came home from being in the hospital for a month & the nursing home for 3 months. My stress levels were high! I had a very rebellious child. My job was extremely stressful. I was fighting with the VA to get what my dad needed. I was getting about 4 hours of sleep at night. My diet was horrid. I was always in a bad mood. I couldn’t hardly fit into my jeans/clothes. I was exhausted. The first thing I noticed with the herbal Infusions was that they helped me better able handle my emotions & mood. I was able to think more clearly & not cry at the drop of a hat lol! Next, my stomach didn’t feel so bloated after I ate. My stress level was so high that every time I ate, the food felt like it sat in my stomach like a bag of rocks, whether I ate something healthy or not. I stopped craving sweets & unhealthy foods. I felt more full when I ate & didn’t take second helpings. I noticed my hair got softer & thicker. I didn’t lose weight quickly, but slowly, I began fitting into my clothes much better. My face slimmed down. I haven’t been sick in over a year, not even a cold! In 2015 when I had my yearly mammogram,  they saw a suspicious spot. I’ve had to have mammograms twice a year, a biopsy, a metal chip implanted, additional views, etc. I’m happy to say that this year was the first time since then that my mammogram looked completely normal the FIRST time. My doctor commented several times that he couldn’t get over how good I looked and how happy I seemed. I only have one medical diagnosis at 47 years old & which is degenerative disk disease but I haven’t had any pain in my back & hip since I’ve been drinking these teas. I do not take any prescription medications. I am a faithful follower & believer in Jesus. I believe in the power of prayer & having a daily walk with the Lord. I believe HE is the ultimate physician. I also believe in putting healthy things into my body. Tibena is all-natural & I love how it makes me feel:) If you’re on the fence, give it a try. I promise you will not be disappointed!

Paige Stallings

I’m 64 years old. My health is my priority. Just when I was starting to feel stiffness, aches & pains associated with aging, we were introduced to Tibena Teas. We added to our daily regimen & I’ve reclaimed my health. The teas are blessing my household & how I function throughout my days. I’m the oldest person on my job & I have energy & focus to do what needs to be done. I’m receiving benefits from my wife’s results. She’s more pleasant because she’s not having mood swings & hot flashes & that makes my life much easier. It feels good to feel good & live life in peace (that’s why I choose to be proactive with my health & decided that we’ll continue to sip).

Larry Johnson

“Sipping Tibena Teas is helping me to grow older gracefully and reclaim my life balance. Menopause can alter our lives. From mood swings & outbursts to changed behavior to hot flashes and night sweats. It’s so nice to finally experience relief after searching for over 14 years. The Adaptogens and herbs in these Herbal Infusions help make managing life so much better. It feels good to feel good everyday on purpose and naturally.”

Karen Johnson

  • Autism traits are lessened and she is a happy child.
  • No Meltdowns in over 2 years.
  • Congenial functions are better.
  • Anxiety calmed.
  • Meltdowns – gone
  • Smiles all the time.
  • Happy
  • No longer anxious.
  • Sleeps soundly.

Addison Jones

  • Lost 100 lbs + 38+ inches.
  • I am healthy, happy and thriving.
  • Sugar cravings gone.
  • No longer addicted to sugar, candy, processed and junk foods.
  • Hormones have balanced.
  • Libido improved.
  • Herbal infusions helped me incorporate intermittent fasting.

Amanda Jones

In the span of 6 years, I was diagnosed with Scleroderma, Pulmonary Fibrosis, Raynauds, and Breast Cancer. Scleroderma is an autoimmune disease that has no cure. My body produces too much collagen and can harden from the inside out. Pulmonary Fibrosis is secondary to Scleroderma. My lungs look like they have pneumonia all the time. Pulmonary fibrosis causes the lungs to harden like a dry sponge. Survival requires a $12,000 a month drug or eventually a lung transplant. Raynauds is secondary too. It’s a circulation problem that occurs in my hands and feet. It also affects the heart. Being diagnosed with breast cancer, I felt a cold, deep fear that I would die. I chose to stop the damage by taking responsibility for my health and be my own self-advocate. I added real whole foods over processed foods. I’ve reduced sugar and carbs and added nutritional tools & supplements that helped increase my lung function. I choose healthy, lifestyle whole foods and habits along with my Adaptogenic Infusions. I continue to expand my consciousness on vibrant health. I was thrilled when Mike McCarthy called me about Tibena®.(Herbal Adaptogenic Infusions). I knew if Joe Morton and Beverly Hollister created these herbal adaptogenic infusions with 30 herbs that you brew like tea that they were exceptional. My health continues to improve. My chronic heartburn has subsided so much that I have not taken any heartburn meds since I started drinking 32oz of JasmineTao every day since October 2018. If I feel heartburn coming on, I drink 8oz of Jasmine Tao, which puts the fire right out. My hair is no longer brittle from the gray; it’s soft and healthy. Vitalitea gives me energy, clarity, and focus in addition to soothing my morning phlegm from Pulmonary Fibrosis, and my doctor has me listed as “stable”. Slumber gives me a deeper, more restful healing sleep. I’m in love with all three Tibena® Adaptogenic Herbal Infusions and will continue to drink them every day.

Elizabeth Higson

My best friend and husband died. The heaviness, fear, depression, and grief did not start to lift until I started drinking Tibena Infusions to nurture and give back to me. The Adaptogenic Herbs have helped balance my emotions and body. From heaviness to light, from grief to joy, from insomnia to restorative sleep, from fear to courage, from “brain fog” to focus, clarity calmness, curiosity, ease, and trust. We honor these God-created Tibena® herbs utilized by healing modalities for thousands of years as nutritional tools to optimal health! This is Abundance when you are no longer ‘numb’ to life!

Orehia Jackson

I wake up rested & refreshed—no more teeth grinding, clenching, or sore jaws. My mental clarity & focus is sharp with sustainable energy all day! Multitasking is on a whole new level with calmness, centeredness & ease.

LeAnn Hook

My “belly” fat above & below my c-section scar is reduced and smooth. It seems my connective tissue is stronger with enhanced muscle recovery.

LeAnn Hook

Any injury, bump, cut, bee sting, or insect bite; I use the sachets to calm inflammation & pain. It’s so easy to spray the Herbal infusion directly on the injury for me and my family pets, “The Herd”

LeAnn Hook

My Bernese Mountain Dogs, Luna, and Jazie have the softest, healthiest fur. Jasmine Tao helps keep their inflammation down and helps them stay healthy with strong connective tissue.

LeAnn Hook

I am loving the benefits of softer & firmer skin, stronger nails. The longer I sip the more cellular types of benefits I am seeing & feeling.

LeAnn Hook

Steep The Abundance

What Every Body Craves In A Perfectly Packed Infusion

Herbal Infusions deliver masterful creations of medicinal properties of the plant kingdom. As the leaves, flowers, and seeds of our Tibena® infusions release their aroma and life force with water and heat, a bold story is told of the DNA and its hereditary memories are released with pure goodness simplified.

Jasmine Tao



What are Adaptogens?

Adaptogens are…

Adaptogens are defined in Russian medical research as substances (mostly herbs and plants) that increase stability and assist the body adapt to stress, support normal metabolic functions and help restore balance.

Ancient Herbal Tonics from Asia and India recognize the revitalizing properties of adaptogens.  Adaptogen Herbs have been used in Ayurvedic and Traditional Chinese Medicine for thousands of years. Scientific studies were first documented in the 1940’s by Russian Scientists.

Dr. Nicholai Lazarev, Russian physician and pharmacologist coined the term adaptogen. Adaptogens are those plants that improve nonspecific resistance to all kinds of stressors by helping an organism adapt or adjust to changes in the environment.

Professor Lazarev wrote that adaptogens have the ability to modulate the stress response and neutralize harmful consequences of stress.  

In 1968 Israel Brekham, PhD and Dr. I.V. Dardymov formally defined adaptogens as “any substance that exerts effects on both sick and healthy individuals by ‘correcting’ any dysfunction(s) without producing side effects.”. They have a normalizing influence on the body.

Referenced from US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health

Adaptogens Reference Link

What are Adaptogens?

Adaptogens are defined in Russian medical research as substances (mostly herbs and plants) that increase stability and assist the body adapt to stress, support normal metabolic functions and help restore balance.

Ancient Herbal Tonics from Asia and India recognize the revitalizing properties of adaptogens.  Adaptogen Herbs have been used in Ayurvedic and Traditional Chinese Medicine for thousands of years. Scientific studies were first documented in the 1940’s by Russian Scientists.

Dr. Nicholai Lazarev, Russian physician and pharmacologist coined the term adaptogen. Adaptogens are those plants that improve nonspecific resistance to all kinds of stressors by helping an organism adapt or adjust to changes in the environment.

Professor Lazarev wrote that adaptogens have the ability to modulate the stress response and neutralize harmful consequences of stress.  

In 1968 Israel Brekham, PhD and Dr. I.V. Dardymov formally defined adaptogens as “any substance that exerts effects on both sick and healthy individuals by ‘correcting’ any dysfunction(s) without producing side effects.”. They have a normalizing influence on the body.

Referenced from US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health

Adaptogens Reference Link

Tibena®’s Simple Delivery System

A sachet loaded with a symphony of herbs, seeds, flowers, and plants delivering daily substance and therapeutic wholesome nutrition. You control the strength.

Watch Overview

About Tibena®

Our Tibena® Story

20 years ago Joe Morton & Beverly Hollister discovered, observed and experienced the medicinal benefits of the harmony of leaves, plants, flowers, roots, bark, seeds, spices, fruits, and herbs.

We encountered how masterful herbal blends enhanced health, supported immunity, and maintained energy levels delivering pure goodness simplified to thousands around the world.

Discover Our Tea

Interested in living with Abundance?

Jasmine Tao offers amazing potential benefits for you throughout the day!

Start Living With Abundance Today!

Every cell, tissue, and organ in your body needs hydration to work properly. Your body uses hydration to maintain its temperature, remove waste, and lubricate your joints. Hydrate with pure goodness simplified, Tibena®.

Welcome to the world of Tibena®, PURE GOODNESS SIMPLIFIED.

Mission Statement

Abundance, simplified.

Product Opportunity

Tibena® Herbal Infusions are best brewed in boiling water to extract the therapeutic nutrients. Our blends are finely cut therefore if you don’t have access to boiling water you will still receive a lovely brew of therapeutic nutrition by steeping with hot water.

So What’s next?

Start Creating Your New Life Today!

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